Articles about Research Computing's Linux systems such as Polaris, Andes, and the Discovery Cluster.

Articles (17)

Accessing your Research MySQL Database

Research ITC can provision MySQL relational databases for research purposes. You may request one and more in formation via e-mail: In order to access the database, you need to have your credentials at hand.

Discovery Setup for Mac

Access to Discovery cluster from Macintosh

HPC Scratch Space

Description of temporary "scratch" storage available in our HPC environments.

Important update regarding our service charges collection policy, effective from July 1, 2023.

In accordance with federal grants fiscal guidelines, all service charges must be collected for the fiscal year (FY) services are rendered in. Charges can be collected at most 12 months in advance, at the beginning of the current FY. This change applies to all charges, regardless of the funding source.

Installing R packages on Linux servers

How to install R packages on Linux servers in personal or shared lab space.

Long running jobs (rcdetach)

Using the rcdetach script to allow long running jobs in DartFS

Passwordless SSH login to research servers

The GSSAPI feature of SSH/SFTP can be used to log in to remote servers without entering a password each time.