Collaboration, File Sharing, and Data Storage

Dartmouth has a range of tools available for collaboration, file sharing, and storage. Some allow collaboration in real-time without storing the document in any different location; others allow a document to be stored in a location where members of a group or team can access it when they need; others are for individual use only, providing file storage that is available from any computer connected to the Internet, or file recovery needs.

Tool Features


Primary Function

Approved for DISC Levels

Who can be invited to see data

Files Deleted When Your Account Expires

Largest Single File Size

Storage Size Limited Per User

Access via Web Browser or Application

Do you use O365 calendars?


For Research Purposes -  Storage for large data sets with collaboration or HPC

Levels 0-2

Dartmouth Only Accounts

4 TB Additional can be purchased NA NA
Granite (tiCrypt) For Research Purposes - Secure storage and compute virtual environment for sensitive data Level 3 only Dartmouth College and Dartmouth Health accounts only NA Additional can be purchased Yes NA


Files Storage and sharing

Levels 0-3

Dartmouth and non-Dartmouth Accounts

50 GB 1 TB Web, Mobile or sync client NA

Google Shared Drives

Collaboration on files

Levels 0-3

Dartmouth and non-Dartmouth Accounts


Docs 50 MB, Sheets 2 mil cells, Slides 100 MB, other 5 TB No Web, Mobile or sync client Yes. Consider O365 tools.

Google My Drive

Storage for files that are not shared

Levels 0-3

Dartmouth and non-Dartmouth Accounts

Docs 50 MB, Sheets 2 mil cells, Slides 100 MB, other 5 TB 1 TB Web, Mobile or sync client Yes. Consider O365 tools.

Microsoft 365 Groups

Team Collaboration

Levels 0-3

Dartmouth and non-Dartmouth Accounts

No 10 GB  No Web, Outlook 2016 (Mac and Win), Mobile No. Consider either Google or O365 tools.

Microsoft 365 Teams

Team Collaboration

Levels 0-3

Dartmouth and non-Dartmouth Accounts

No 10 GB  No Web, Team client application (Mac and Win), Mobile No. Consider either Google or O365 tools.


Storage of Official Dartmouth Records

Levels 0-3

Dartmouth Only 


NA No Web, OnBase Client NA

OneDrive (for Business)

Storage for files that are not shared

Levels 0-3

Dartmouth and non-Dartmouth Accounts


10 GB 1 TB Web, OneDrive sync client (Mac and Win), Mobile NA


Collaboration of files

Levels 0-3

Dartmouth Only


4 TB No Native via shortcuts NA

SharePoint Online

Departmental Website

Levels 0-3

Dartmouth  and non-Dartmouth Accounts


10 GB    Web, Mobile NA

If your team already uses the Microsoft 365 or Google collaboration tool suites, and it meets your needs, consider whether the tool you and your team are already using and familiar with has the functionality you need rather than introducing a new tool.


How do I Gain Access?

  • Dropbox - See Dropbox Overview
  • Google Team and My Drive – The Google Tool Suite is currently provisioned for all current faculty, staff, and students! Access to these tools is accessible via the main Google Portal.
  • Microsoft 365 Groups - See Create a Group in Office 365
  • Microsoft 365 Teams – See Create a Microsoft Team
  • OnBase – Email Dartmouth Records Management for information.
  • OneDrive – OneDrive can be accessed via a web browser or by installing the software on your computer. To access it via a web browser, log in to Dartmouth Office 365 web app then click the icon in the upper left corner of the window and select OneDrive. To download the software, from the BWA website click the cog icon in the upper right corner, then Microsoft 365 Settings, then Software. Select OneDrive from the list.
  • Research Data Storage (– See for more information and/or to apply for an account.
  • SharePoint Online – Submit a ticket via the IT Service Desk to request a project site. Once that is set up, you can access your site via Dartmouth Office 365 web app then click the icon in the upper left corner of the window and select Sharepoint.
  • DartFS / Granite / Research Data Storage - for access request see the Researching Computing website or reach out to directly.

For information on safe file sharing practices, see: