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Watch these overview videos to learn how to select content to be captured by the classroom capture service available in specific rooms in Life Science Center, Moore Hall, Fairchild, and Wilder.
Dartmouth is in the process of rolling out Panopto as a comprehensive video recording, management and delivery platform. This article explains what Panopto is, why we are adopting it, what it will be replacing, and what the approximate timeline for any of these changes will be.
Describes how to move Zoom meeting recordings in Panopto
One of the most exciting features of Panopto is its convenient Canvas integration. This makes it easy to share media with your students, embed content using the rich content editor (RCE), copy material from past course iterations, and conduct student assignments.
This document describes how to create, upload and share a new recording in Panopto. There are two ways of creating recordings in Panopto: (A) through a dedicated application that needs to be installed on one’s computer and (B) through a browser-based recording. We strongly recommend option A, and it is what’s described below.
This guide describes Panopto's process for moving course-related videos between two courses with separate Canvas sites.
Learn about how to record your class using desktop capture software in this overview article.
There are numerous reasons why you may want to record your class sessions in one-off or ongoing cases. This guide serves as a resource to help you to best plan and record in class using Panopto Video.
Permissions are the primary way to share materials in Panopto. The following are a collection of tips and resources to aid as you share media in Panopto at Dartmouth.
Panopto Recorder logs can be helpful for troubleshooting failures within the application. These can be shared with Panopto for the purposes of more advanced troubleshooting.
This guide describes the steps to record meetings in Panopto using Zoom.