Important update regarding our service charges collection policy, effective from July 1, 2023.

Tags Finance HPC

In accordance with federal grants fiscal guidelines, all service charges must be collected for the fiscal year (FY) services are rendered in. Charges can be collected at most 12 months in advance, at the beginning of the current FY. This change applies to all charges, regardless of the funding source.

Service charges are priced on a monthly basis, but collected annually at the beginning of a financial year or at the beginning of service.

Specifically, data storage and compute charges, including but not limited to DartFS, virtual servers, containers, and Discovery shares, will be collected:

  • Once at the beginning of the period of service (prorated to the current fiscal year), and 

  • at the beginning of each subsequent full FY (period of 12 months). The last year of a multi-year agreement my also be prorated.

  • Please provide written 30-day notice if canceling recurring services to

Discovery shares are now $980/year or $81.67/month per share (past model of $4900 for 5 years is no longer available).

For consulting and software development services, charges will be collected after each milestone specified in the Statement of Work (SOW) or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been achieved and/or delivered, or at the end of the current FY for all work completed in that time period that has not yet been billed. This ensures fair payment upon successful completion of designated project phases.

Custom software maintenance contracts will be collected at the beginning of the period of performance (prorated) or at the start of the FY, as agreed upon in the contract/MOU/SOW.

We believe that this revised service charge collection policy will facilitate improved financial planning and better resource allocation for all parties involved.

This change in policy may result in a refund of changes collected beyond the current FY and new charges for FY23 and update payment schedule. Research Computing will communicate and  with impacted PIs individually.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this update, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

Thank you so much for your understanding and cooperation regarding this matter. We truly appreciate your support.