Research Computing

Data Storage, High Performance Computing, Software development, Support for Researchers, GIS, Statistics, Surveys, CCMR and IACUC

Categories (10)

Discovery Cluster

Documentation on using the Discovery cluster resources.

Code Development

Has articles about Research Computing Programming, Compilers, IDL, Debuggers


Articles about the DartFS storage offering.

Field Specific Support

Has articles about Statistics, GIS, Qualtrics (Surveys), Databases

High Performance Computing

Articles about Research Computing's Linux systems such as Polaris, Andes, and the Discovery Cluster.


Articles about RSTOR which is Research Computing's legacy OpenAFS storage offering (the northstar cell).

Software for Research

Software for Research


Has a list of minicourses for Researchers and course descriptions.
Also has articles about Linux and a safe Linux password.

Articles (9)

Pinned Article Training and Workshops: Research Computing Services

Sign up for workshops taught by Research Computing.

Pinned Article When a knowledgebase article is not enough...

Contact Research Computing to sort out an issue or problem.

GraphPad Prism

GraphPad GraphPad Prism

Process for requesting Omeka-D

Details about Omeka-D and how to request it for your project.

Research Computing Accounts

Request an account to use Research Computing's computational environments.

Using RStudio on the Discovery Cluster

Describes how to use RStudio on Dartmouth's high-performance (HPC) cluster