Instructions for a CourseKey Admin to adjust Student attendance after the class.
Instructions for Course Instructors in PE and Wellness about using the CourseKey site.
How to get and use the CourseKey attendance app for students to mark their attendance at Wellness courses
After you leave Dartmouth, your GitLab access will be removed. If you do nothing then after graduation you'll no longer be clone your repositories through your Dartmouth account.
An overview of the hardware available to Dartmouth researchers.
Support information for Headspace
How to view lectures and lecture materials remotely.
Options for meeting with students outside of lectures.
Lenel display issue - The Search button bar is inaccessible, covered by Access Level window
Information about accessing, using, and getting help for specific College-wide systems
Dartmouth LiveSafe is an app that provides a quick and convenient way for you to watch out for your friends, or to quickly report a safety concern to Safety and Security.
Explains how to download your Canvas assignments when you graduate.
Explains what happens to your Google Drive files at Dartmouth when you graduate.