JobX is the student employment system, in effect as of February, 2023. Note: hourly paid staff use the Kronos system
- Students use JobX to find and apply for jobs
- Supervisors use JobX to create and post jobs
- Supervisors also use JobX to review applications and hire students
- JobX has employment guidelines and needed documents easily available
- NextGen ambassadors - staff in departments and divisions who are trained to assist and answer questions
- Students use TimesheetX to enter time and submit timesheets
Helpful Links for ITC
NextGen Admin Mailbox - monitoring is shared by Heather Johnson in HR and Carl Gildemeister for the TimesheetX questions. This is a good central point of contact.
Login questions: if users have not requested access to the site and therefore not been approved, they will receive an error message when trying to access the site. Request access The error displays as

Supervisors/employers can request training here: Supervisor Training
Student Employees - includes information on training, required paperwork, tutorials on using JobX and TimeSheetX as well as the job portal. There is also a link to access timesheets at TimesheetX from this link.
Direct employers/supervisors to the Supervisors and Administrators page This page includes training videos, links to request access, creating and posting jobs as well as many other resources