How to Use a Lumens Document Camera

A close up of a sign

Description automatically generated



  1. Key Features of A Lumens Document Camera

A picture containing red, sky, indoorDescription automatically generated

  • Power Button

Turns the camera on. This is the most important button, for obvious reasons. The indicator light should turn blue once on.

  • Lamp

Use this button to shed light on whatever is being viewed.

  • Focus Button

Brings clarity when document view is fuzzy or blurry.


  1. Setting up


  • Connect camera to a power source. This is the most IMPORTANT step. Don’t forget it. You have to give the camera power if it’s to work.
  • Use a HDMI / VGA cable to connect the camera to the display TV or AV system. Remember to plug the HDMI cable in the HDMI out port.
  • Power on the document camera. Light on power button will turn from red to blue.
  • Focus! Press the focus button to bring more clarity and you’re set.


  1. Final notes


  • A document camera is highly specialized and does lots of things. It has many buttons and ports but the one’s I’ve explained above are what you will need as you work with CTS.
  • The camera comes with a remote but you won’t need to use it. Just press dem buttons.