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Services or Offerings?
Fill out a short form to request help or information when you don't have a Dartmouth account or can't sign in.

Integrate an application with Dartmouth SAML provider.

Fill out a short form to request help with something that's not working for you. Sign-in required.

Request DocuSign access.

We provide systems support for GIS Software and GIS/geospatial related projects. Visit the GIS website.

All equipment purchased by Dartmouth funding must comply with Dartmouth Information Security policy and Dartmouth Information Technology policy to ensure that the user is securing the device adequately and maintaining operating system and client updates.

Report a problem with an application, database, server, or software infrastructure component

Obtain skills using Zoom for your remote class meetings. Click on this service to learn more.

Access Online Training Resources

Upon leaving Dartmouth, your account on will be scheduled for deletion. This service outlines your options. Required information is marked with a red asterisk (*).

This service is for Dartmouth students, faculty, and staff who have a need for a team folder in Dropbox.

This service is for those Dartmouth students, faculty, and staff who have created Dropbox accounts using email accounts other than their Dartmouth primary email and wish to merge that with the Dartmouth Dropbox account.

Request that your external workspace be migrated into Dartmouth Slack Enterprise Grid.

Software available for Researchers

Request for your Dartmouth Dropbox account be removed from the Team.