Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Tags aws cloud

To request an AWS account, we need the following information:

  • Department Name / Account Purpose
  • Chart String or PATEO - This should be the full 25 digits.  Anything shorter will delay the provisioning of your account.
  • Research Data Security Plan (Researchers only) - Researchers are strongly encouraged to review any applicable data use agreements prior to requesting an account. 
  • Technical Contact (NetID + Email Address) - This is a user that Cloud Services can contact with technical information and questions.
  • Billing Contact (NetID + Email Address) - This is a user that Cloud Services can contact for billing information and questions.
  • Console Access List (NetIDs + Email Addresses) - This is a list of users who should be allowed to access the administrative console for the account
  • Billing Access List (NetIDs + Email Addresses) - This is a list of users who should be allowed to access the billing and cost reporting portal
  • Data Classification Information - What type of data will you store in AWS?


Faculty, Staff, Researchers, IT Professionals Departments


AWS Account Request

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Dartmouth College offers AWS accounts to faculty and staff for research, academic, and administrative purposes. AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a comprehensive public cloud platform that provides a wide range of infrastructure services.
This article provides instructions for Dartmouth College faculty and staff on how to log into AWS after an account has been granted. It emphasizes the integration with Dartmouth’s Single Sign-On (SSO) using their NetID and offers two primary methods for access: via the AWS Console or AWS CLI. For AWS CLI access, users are encouraged to use environment variables for simplicity but are also provided alternative methods such as updating the AWS credentials file or using individual values in code.