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Services or Offerings?
Use this service if you need a change made to multiple accounts or need to request multiple accounts created

Request a new Sponsored Account for Research Purposes

Request a sponsored, departmental, organizational or service account

Authorized individuals may request access to their Dartmouth student organization account

Create a limited use account for Guest access to Canvas

Renew a sponsored, departmental, organizational or service account

Submitting this form will automatically create a ticket to report a Compromised Account to the Service Desk.

Fill out a short form to request help or information when you don't have a Dartmouth account or can't sign in.

Upon leaving Dartmouth, your account on will be scheduled for deletion. This service outlines your options. Required information is marked with a red asterisk (*).

Your account is scheduled for deletion. This service allows you to exercise your options. Required information is marked with a red asterisk (*).

DHMC Employees working in Dartmouth labs will need a NetID to access Research Return-to-Work web forms and applications.

Your web site requires migration or deletion. This service allows you to exercise your options. Required information is marked with a red asterisk (*).
You may enter up to 2 sites to be migrated on this form. If you have more than 2 sites to migrate, please complete additional requests.

This form can be used to request a storage increase beyond the default 1GB quota for web hosting accounts on

This service is for those Dartmouth students, faculty, and staff who have created Dropbox accounts using email accounts other than their Dartmouth primary email and wish to merge that with the Dartmouth Dropbox account.

Request an add/move/change for your telephone, activation of a new voicemail account or reset voicemail password.