Can't find what you need?

Submit a general request or report a general problem if you haven't been able to find a specific service.

Services (7)

Student - Request Tech Support

Dartmouth Students submit a request for technology help here

I need to report a problem

Fill out a short form to request help with something that's not working for you. Sign-in required.

I don't have a Dartmouth account or can't sign in

Fill out a short form to request help or information when you don't have a Dartmouth account or can't sign in.

Computer Hardware Repair Intake

Use this service to request repairs, both for equipment drop-offs at the repair shop, and to request pickup/delivery services (pickup/delivery available for staff/faculty only).

Remote/Off-Campus Student Hardware Repair

Please use this service to submit a repair request if you are a student who is currently remote/off-campus.

GoPhish Assistance

Submit a ticket here if you have questions or issues in the GoPhish Tournament.  These will be routed to a team that can assist.