A Dartmouth NetID is a unique 7 character identifier (for example: F004123) for signing into services with a Dartmouth account.

Dartmouth faculty, staff, students automatically have a NetID created for them when they are hired or matriculate as a student. Alumni retain the NetID they had as a student.

Here you will find services relating to requesting an account, maintaining existing accounts, or getting help with your account.
For more information on Dartmouth NetID, visit: https://services.dartmouth.edu/TDClient/1806/Po...

Services (6)

I don't have a Dartmouth account or can't sign in

Fill out a short form to request help or information when you don't have a Dartmouth account or can't sign in.

Request a new Sponsored, Departmental, Organizational or Service Account

Request a sponsored, departmental, organizational or service account

Request a Sponsored Account for Research Purposes

Request a new Sponsored Account for Research Purposes

Research Return-to-Work Account (NetID)

DHMC Employees working in Dartmouth labs will need a NetID to access Research Return-to-Work web forms and applications.

Renew an expiring Account

Renew a sponsored, departmental, organizational or service account

Canvas: Request Guest Account for Canvas Access

Create a limited use account for Guest access to Canvas