Listserv provides members of the Dartmouth community with a high-performance mailing list management system. Listserv at Dartmouth runs on a dedicated host computer, "". Dartmouth College licenses the Listserv software from L-Soft Corporation.
Every Listserv list, hosted at Dartmouth, must have an owner with a valid Dartmouth account. Listserv is a mechanism for managing a list when any or all of the following characteristics are necessary:
- World-wide advertisement of the topic.
- Automatic processing of subscription and sign-off requests.
- Automatic maintenance of archives of postings. These archives can be retrieved by email or searched and read via a Web interface.
- Automatic formation of daily digests of postings.
- Control of the posting process, including moderation, limitations on service area, or limiting the ability to post to subscribers or editors.
- The number of subscribers is potentially large (over 1,000) or widely distributed geographically.
- The subscribers of the list contains addresses
- Basic list management KBA.
- Further information found in the following guide from Kansas State University.
If you would like to request a Listserv list, please submit the Mailing List request form.
Available to:
- Active Dartmouth faculty, staff, students
- List purpose and use must be in support of the mission of the college
Support is available to:
- Create and delete lists
- Update list owner if needed (self-serve for current owner)
List Owners responsibilities:
- Add/Remove subscribers - as applicable
- Moderate list - as applicable
- Answer subscriber questions
- Manage list configuration and settings
- Share self-serve information for subscriber mail delivery issues
- Inform ITC when list is no longer needed
- Respond to ITC outreach regarding list status and use