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Services or Offerings?
Request a sponsored, departmental, organizational or service account

Request Access or removal of access to Dartmouth Services that are restricted

General Service Request for the Planon application platform

Database Services ensures that customer databases are protected and monitored by establishing backup and recovery procedures, providing a secure database environment, and monitoring database performance.

Use this to place a request for the CS Technology Services group. They work with Planon, Radio, Lenel, Honeywell, Johnson, and other Campus Services systems.

AWS is a cloud computing platform provided to the campus. ITC manages the enterprise agreement with Amazon for these services and supports platform access.

A business associate agreement (BAA) has also been negotiated to support HIPAA workloads.

Request DocuSign access.

Information, Technology and Consulting data centers centrally host research, teaching, and administrative systems and data.

Please send an email to or call (603) 646-8936. Someone from the department will respond promptly and help you.

Use this service to request repairs, both for equipment drop-offs at the repair shop, and to request pickup/delivery services (pickup/delivery available for staff/faculty only).

ITC, Classroom Technology Services (Class Tech) offer self-serve and staff assisted technology services for business meetings and campus events.

Renew a sponsored, departmental, organizational or service account

Use this form to submit a request for networking services.

Request OnBase services

Use this service to request renting the laptop cart which includes up to twenty Windows laptops.