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Improvements in the services offered by the ITC Service Desk
Free Cloud Services options and Dartmouth-related Cloud Services options.
The ITC Service Desk uses a ticket closure survey to request feedback on your support experience and our services.
Describes computer and device support service levels.
Common requests submitted to ITC, AV Service Operations of needs for central classroom.
Scheduled Maintenance Notice: Ourfiles Service Downtime on Saturday December 2nd, 2023
A review of how a Service owner can manage their grouper groups and the group's memberships.
List of types of internet connections and contact information for local service providers
Dartmouth Services Phishing Scam
ITC Service Desk Phone Prompts (603) 646-2999 / +1 (855) 764-2485
This article describes the server naming convention that should be used for all servers managed by Infrastructure Services.
Hi, we're the Service Desk (Willow) team in Client Technology Consulting. Learn more about who we are and what we do.
In accordance with federal grants fiscal guidelines, all service charges must be collected for the fiscal year (FY) services are rendered in. Charges can be collected at most 12 months in advance, at the beginning of the current FY. This change applies to all charges, regardless of the funding source.
The following article explains the general configuration for all backup policies configured and operated by Infrastructure Services. These policies may be slightly tailored to fit various different use cases but all policies will have generally the same configuration guidelines.
Support information for Headspace