Classroom Capture

Winter 2025 Deadline - 12/16/24 To ensure captures are scheduled to begin on the first week of Winter 2025 term, please submit your requests by Monday, 12/16/24. Requests received after the 12/16/24 cut-off date will be processed as soon as possible, but may not be scheduled until the second week of the Winter 2025 term.

What is Classroom Capture?

Classroom Capture is a scheduled recording service that captures the presenter through classroom cameras and microphones along with content displayed from a computer or other device. The completed recording is made available to your students through a Panopto folder in Canvas automatically.

Classroom recordings are subject to institutional policies for data retention and disposition.


Key Features

  • Captures are scheduled to automatically record during the class block time (with an added five minute buffer at the beginning and end)
  • Two sources can be captured simultaneously (i.e. Presenter/Board and PowerPoint)
  • Legacy spaces, an AV control panel in the classroom provides presets and adjustment controls for the camera and content sources to be recorded. Watch the brief control overview video.
    • Fairchild Hall 101
    • Moore Hall B03, B13 (Filene Auditorium)
    • Steele Hall 006, 007
    • Wilder 104
  • Recordings are uploaded automatically to the Panopto Folder in your Canvas course (If you have more questions about Panopto or the settings, please review the Panopto getting started resources)
  • Recordings are typically available within 3-4 hours after the end of class, but may take up to 24 hours depending on the network and Panopto's server load.

Where is this service located?

Arts and Science Locations:

  • Berry Library 180
  • Carson G60, G61, L01, L02 (New effective Winter 2025 term)
  • Fairchild Hall 101
  • Haldeman Hall 028
  • Kemeny Hall 004, 006, 007, 008, 105, and 108
  • Life Science Center 100 (Oopik Auditorium), 105, 200, 201, 205
  • Moore Hall B03, B13 (Filene Auditorium), 110, 150, 202
  •    Coming Soon :  Rockefeller 001, 002, 003, 208 (To learn more: Dartmouth Classroom Rapid Refresh)
  • Silsby Hall  029A, 029B, 113, 213, 215, 310, and 312
  • Steele Hall 006, 007
  • Wilder Hall 104, 111, 115


Thayer School of Engineering Locations (A&S Courses):

  • Cummings 100, 118, 200, 202
  • Engineering and Computer Science Ctr. 005, 008, 009, 035, 041, 042, 116, B007
  • Irving Institute IR-75, IR-80
  • Maclean M132, M210, MB01

For recording options in other spaces, please visit for instructions

Consent To Record

It is recommended that faculty include the following language in their course syllabus or Canvas site. You may also want to review this policy with your students, pointing in particular to the section about the instructor's copyright of materials and about the prohibition of recording one-on-one meetings.

By enrolling in this course,

  1. I affirm my understanding that the instructor may record meetings of this course in our classroom.
  2. I further affirm that the instructor owns the copyright to their instructional materials, of which these recordings constitute a part, and my distribution of any of these recordings in whole or in part to any person or entity other than other members of the class without prior written consent of the instructor may be subject to discipline by Dartmouth up to and including separation from Dartmouth.
  3. Right to Privacy Policy

Who can request this service?

  • Faculty

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I use Classroom Capture?
The main benefit of lecture recording or screen capture is vastly improved content access for students. Students can review lecture content whenever they choose: they can correct their notes, skip over familiar content, and review confusing sections multiple times. Knowing that a lecture recording will be made available has been shown to greatly reduce student anxiety during class, especially in content-heavy courses.

The students don't need the full recording, can you adjust the length?
There is not a quick way to adjust the recording schedule once created, but you can edit the recordings in Panopto to remove sections or trim the beginnings or end of the session.

Is the recording an instructional substitute for students that miss class?
It depends on your content, material, and class structure. Capturing the content of a presentation through recording is beneficial for students that miss class, but may be ill suited as a replacement without accompanying lesson content and materials.

Relying solely on Classroom Capture to create asynchronous material is not recommended. Please visit DCAL and Learning Design & Innovation's article on Resilient Course Design for best practices.

When should I make the request?
As soon as you know your room assignment, please submit a request so we can get it scheduled before the start of term. IF you are moved to a different room, please let us know as soon as possible so we can update the schedule for the new space (this does not happen without our intervention).

How soon after the request will the recordings be scheduled?
Any new requests are scheduled during a bulk upload every Friday at 3:00pm to be ready for the following week.

Classroom Capture Request

Related Articles (5)

Watch these overview videos to learn how to select content to be captured by the classroom capture service available in specific rooms in Life Science Center, Moore Hall, Fairchild, and Wilder.
This document describes how to create, upload and share a new recording in Panopto. There are two ways of creating recordings in Panopto: (A) through a dedicated application that needs to be installed on one’s computer and (B) through a browser-based recording. We strongly recommend option A, and it is what’s described below.
Frequently asked questions about Panopto
One of the most exciting features of Panopto is its convenient Canvas integration. This makes it easy to share media with your students, embed content using the rich content editor (RCE), copy material from past course iterations, and conduct student assignments.