Set "Do Not Disturb" on Your Dartmouth Phone

If you don't want your Dartmouth phone to ring, you need to set your profile to "do not disturb" following the steps below: 

When you're in "Do Not Disturb" mode, your presence indicator is red circle with a white dash in the middle.

Note: If you have your Dartmouth phone number on multiple devices (e.g .desk phone, computer and/or the cell phone) when you enable/disable "Do not disturb" on one device, it will propagate across all devices for that phone number.

The only thing that will interrupt a phone that is set to Do Not Disturb is an incoming broadcast (e.g. DartAlert).

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Article ID: 86687
Thu 9/12/19 9:01 AM
Tue 3/26/24 8:04 AM