When you purchase your computer, you can elect to have your computer sent to your house, pick it up while you’re on campus during the summer, or pick it up after you move into your residence hall room at New Student Orientation.
Sent to Your Home Early
You can specify on the order form that you would like to have your computer sent to your home. You will need to call the hotline number to give your credit card information to a Computer Store employee. Note: Computer models change often. You will receive the model that is current at the time of your order.
For Athletes on Campus Early and on Early Return DOC Trips
If you are already on campus before Orientation due to athletics training or because of a DOC trip, you can pick your computer up while you’re here. Be sure to get your ID card first, as you’ll need this to pick up your computer.
Picking Your Computer Up in September
We recommend that most students wait to pick up their computer when they arrive on campus for the fall term. Generally you should plan to pick up your key from housing, get your student ID card at the Card Office in the basement at 53 Commons, and come over to The Computer Store at 7 South St to pick up your computer. Our hours of operation are Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For more information, after mid-May, call the incoming student computer hotline at (603) 646-1104 (from the U.S. or Canada) or (866) 720-7567 (from outside the U.S. or Canada; the call is toll-free).