Central Booked Classrooms (UG)


Dartmouth has a variety of central booked spaces for courses and seminars.  For a list of these space, go to Central Booked Classrooms (UG) - Locations Non-central spaces are booked by the Registrar, as needed, on a per term basis.

Classroom Scheduling

Classroom assignments for each term are coordinated by Department Chairs, Department Administrators, and the Arts and Sciences Registrar. Faculty requirements for seating capacity, room layout, furnishings, audio visual equipment, campus location, and other elements are matched to the inventory of suitable classrooms available at the given class hour. Prior to the end of each term, the Registrar sends a mailing to departments for the upcoming term’s classroom assignments. Department staff coordinate faculty responses to this mailing.

If additional space bookings are needed for a course, requests can submitted for a "special class booking(s)" by emailing classroom.scheduling@dartmouth.edu.  Note these bookings are for course attendess only.  If your course booking(s) are open to campus or to the public, submit your requests to Conferences and Events via https://ems.dartmouth.edu .

Group / Study Meeting Rooms for Students

For students who want to work together as a group, group meeting rooms are available within Baker/Berry. To schedule a study space, go to https://api.dartgo.org/study_spaces.

Equipment, Services and Support

ITC, Classroom Technology Services (Class Tech) provides support for followling types of requests:

  • Immediate in-class audio visual support call 603-646-2999
  • In-Classroom Orientation on use of central classroom audio visual systems and portable audio visual solutions.
  • In-Class academic support (examples): 
    • Pre-class tech check
    • Assist guest lecturer
    • Equipment needed (in-class, per term)
    • Download software
    • Desktop conferencing setup (i.e. Zoom)
    • Classroom Capture (TechSmith Relay / Echo360)
    • Wireless Display
    • Exam support
      • On-site readiness check
      • Pre-exam tech check
      • On-call support

For additional information regarding audio visual support, go to https://api.dartgo.org/cts_av_support

To submit a service request or to report a problem, go to https://api.dartgo.org/class_tech-support_cat.

If you have questions or inquiries about a central/non-central classroom space, call Class Tech at 603-646-2302.

While many issues reported are resolved within the same day and ahead of the next class, some system failures may not be quickly repaired. Class Tech will notify scheduled users and leave information in the classroom in these instances. Having a back up plan (e.g.: using an x-period) can be helpful in these rare instances.

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Article ID: 64704
Tue 10/9/18 12:22 PM
Thu 3/9/23 9:55 AM

Related Articles (3)

Learn about audio visual support provided by ITC, Classroom Technology Services, for central booked classrooms and non-central booked classrooms.
Learn which UG spaces are central booked classrooms supported by ITC, Classroom Technology Services.
Learn how to have a successful experience using technology (audio visual systems) in central booked classrooms and non-central classrooms.

Related Services / Offerings (2)

Report an audio visual problem experienced in a an A&S classroom.
Request this service to schedule training with ITC on how to use audio visual equipment in a classroom.