JMP Pro for Macintosh

JMP Pro is Statistical Analysis software from SAS.


The current version of JMP is 17.  Version 15.2 or later is required on MacOS 11.x (Big Sur) or later.

1. Download the software installer and license file needed for JMP.

  • Download the appropriate JMP installer file.
  • Download the appropriate JMP license file.  Use File:Save As or Download Linked File to save the file.  It is a text file.
  • Download the latest JMP updater file, if any, from JMP downloads (currently 17.2 is the latest.  Unfortunately the updater may be larger than the original installer, but can only be applied after the original install)

2. To install JMP:

  • Double-click JMP-Pro-17-install.dmg to mount it.
  • Double-click JMP Pro 17.pkg to start the installer.
  • Click ContinueContinueInstall.
  • Enter your computer password when prompted, then click Install Software.
  • When the installer finishes, click Close.
  • This installs JMP 17.0 on your system.

3. To update JMP

  • If an update was available, double-click jmpupdater_XXX_mac_pro.dmg to mount it
  • Double-click JMP Pro XXX.pkg to start the installer. This can only be done on a computer with JMP  already installed.
  • Click ContinueContinueInstall.
  • Enter your computer password when prompted, then click Install Software.
  • When the installer finishes, click Close.

4. To run JMP and add the license file:

  • Go to the Applications folder on your computer, and double-click the JMP Pro 17 application to launch it.
  • If the license bundled with the installer requires updating, you will be prompted by a “Provide Your JMP License” window. Click the Open License button.
  • Navigate to the license.txt license file you downloaded, click on it to select it, then click the Choose button.
  • You will be prompted by a “Personalize Your JMP License” window; optionally enter your name. Click OK.
  • You should then see a “Your license has been accepted. Thank You” dialog; click OK.
  • If prompted to Register, click Wait to Register.
  • If, on launch, the splash screen displays Administrator: this license is temporary, you will need to manually force installation of a new license as described below

You should now be all set to run JMP Pro.


JMP  is an annually renewed site license.  For new license files as they become available, or new updates to JMP, check  This license does not require you to be on the Dartmouth network to use it.  However, we ask that you also install KeyAccess client so that usage information may be gathered, and subsequent renewals justified.

If on launch the splash screen displays:

  Organization: <Unknown>
  Administrator: this license is temporary

you'll need to perform a manual license update:

  1. Launch JMP or JMP Pro. From the File menu, choose New > New Script to open a script window.
  2. Enter this one line of scripting: renew license();
  3. From the Edit menu, choose Run Script.
  4. In the resulting Renew Your JMP License dialog, click Open License and navigate to the license file you downloaded above.

Our license permits us to us both JMP and JMP Pro, There is nothing to be saved by installing the 'non-Pro' version - it simply disables some of the functionality, so we recommend ignoring that version. 

A Primer on using JMP may be found at

Licenses for earlier versions of JMP may still be available at, but we recommend keeping your JMP installation current.

System Requirements for JMP

  • Mac OSX 10.15 or later.
  • Mac OS 11 (Big Sur) and later require JMP 15.2 or later
  • The final installed disk space is approx. 950 MB
  • For older versions of Mac OSX, there are older JMP installers at

Send email to Research Computing for additional information.

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Article ID: 64613
Tue 10/9/18 12:17 PM
Thu 8/24/23 1:39 PM