How do I Configure and Maintain my O365 Distribution list?


Login to your Dartmouth account via the Groups administration page.


Add or Remove Members

  1. Click on the Groups I own selection at the top
  2. Click on the group you wish to modify
  3. In the group’s window, click on the Members tab.
  4. Under the list of Members, click on “View all and manage members”
    • To remove members, click the radio button next to the name. This will display a checkmark next to the name. Repeat for all members you wish to remove. Then click on the Delete trash can icon at the top.
    • To add a member, click Add members at the top of the window. Use the search box to look for a specific name using either their full name (First MI Last) or netiD, and press Enter. When the name appears, click the circle next to the name. You can repeat the search and select process to choose multiple people to add. When done, click the Add button, which will show a number to indicate how many members you are adding.


Add or Remove Owners

  1. Click on the Groups I own selection at the top
  2. Click on the group you wish to modify
  3. In the group’s window, click on the Members tab.
  4. Under the list of Owners, click on “View all and manage owners
    • To remove owners, click the radio button next to the name. This will display a checkmark next to the name. Repeat for all owners you wish to remove. Then click on the Delete trash can icon at the top.
    • To add an owners, click Add owners at the top of the window. Use the search box to look for a specific name using either their full name (First MI Last) or netiD, and press Enter. When the name appears, click the circle next to the name. You can repeat the search and select process to choose multiple people to add. When done, click the Add button, which will show a number to indicate how many owners you are adding.


Membership Approval

 A distribution list may be configured in multiple ways to control new membership.:

  1. To change the membership type, click on the Settings tab.
  2. Under Membership approval, click Edit membership approvals
    • Open - Anyone can join this group without being approved by the group owners.
    • Closed - Members can be added only by the group owners. All requests to join will be rejected automatically.
    • Owner Approval - All requests are approved or rejected by the group owners.
  3. Click the radio button next to the type then click the Save button.


Delivery Management

By default, only people inside your organization can send message to this group. You can also allow people outside the organization to send messages to this group.

  1. To change delivery management, click on the Settings tab.
  2. Click the radio button next to your preferred choice:
    • Only allow messages from people inside my organization
    • Allow messages from people inside and outside my organization 
  3. Alternatively, you can restrict who can send messages to the group, by adding specified senders in the box displayed. Click on Search name or email to find a person. Select them.
  4. Finally, click the Save button to save any changes you’ve made.


Message Approval

You may choose whether the list is moderated, in which messages for distribution must be approved before sending out to other people.

  1. Click the Settings tab.
  2. Under Message approval select Edit message approval.
  3. If you wish to have messages moderated, click the checkbox next to “Require moderator approval for messages and then to group.” Once moderation is enable, you can make additional selections.
  4. Group moderators
    1. Group moderators will receive notification of all messages sent to the group. They can review the messages, then either approve or reject them. Approved messages will be sent to the group.
    2. Click in the field to search for a name or email address, then select the person you wish to add.
  5. Senders who don't require message approval
    1. Senders in this list can send messages to the distribution group without approval by a moderator.
    2. Click in the field to search for a name or email address, then select the person you wish to add.
  6. Choose when to send moderation notifications.
    1. Notify all senders when their messages aren't approved.
    2. Notify senders in your organization when their messages aren't approved.
    3. Don't notify anyone when a message isn't approved.
  7. Click the Save button to confirm your selections.