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Discovery Cluster

With a total of 3000+ CPU cores, 120,000 GPU cores, 12+TB of memory, and 1 PB of storage across all systems, our High Performance Computing (HPC) resources allow researchers to run compute intensive

Investing in Discovery

Overview The DISCOVERY general purpose Cluster is an exciting opportunity for researchers to participate in creating a world class super computer devoted to furthering research at Dartmouth

Discovery Cluster details

Discovery is a Linux cluster that in aggregate contains 128 nodes, 6296 CPU cores, 54.7TB of memory, and more than 2.8 PB of disk space. Node Hardware Breakdown Cell Vendor

Discovery Setup for Mac

Access to Discovery cluster from Macintosh ... discovery-NETID.terminal ... Windows. To display graphical output from remote Linux software, you'll need Xquartz or FastX (see below), but this isn't so important with discovery since it is a batch-scheduled environment

Using RStudio on the Discovery Cluster

discovery ... This document explains how you can quickly iterate your R code versions for an  RStudio session on the Discovery HPC Cluster using a local code editor  and remote HPC processing. This is helpful  for

Discovery Cluster Upgrade 2024

30th. Over the coming weeks, we'll be migrating batches of compute nodes. During this time, you may notice a decrease in available resources within the discovery7 cluster, with more resources becoming

Migrating a legacy Discovery home directory to DartFS

Step by step instructions for migrating data from a legacy Discovery home directory to a DartFS home directory. ... Background New home directories for Research Computing servers are in DartFS.  When you have a DartFS home directory you can login to all of our systems (Discovery, Polaris, Andes, etc.) using

Gromacs in Containers: A short Guide to using Gromacs containers on Discovery

 Gromacs on our HPC systems. For more comprehensive details on Apptainer, please visit the Apptainer documentation. This guide also assumes familiarity with how to request GPU resources on the Discovery

Software Resources for Researchers

Details The following software is available to researchers: Bioinformatics Software Availability OS Comments mrbayes Discovery Linux

Discovery, Polaris and Andes: High Performance Computing (HPC) quick comparison

about requesting an account to get started with Andes  Discovery uses a 'scheduler' program to submit jobs to a queue, rather than interactively (for example, .m Matlab programs can be

Jupyter on a compute node

The following steps demo: Create a job submission script to run a Jupyter notebook on the Discovery cluster Submit the job to the scheduler Create a SSH tunnel to Discovery and browse to

Software for Research

/ .  To use software on our high-performance computers (Andes, Polaris or Discovery), please visit and click "Request an account" to get started, and for instructions on

Software for Research Knowledge Base

/ .  To use software on our high-performance computers (Andes, Polaris or Discovery), please visit and click "Request an account" to get started, and for instructions on

Create a container image for HPC

fibonacci.tar Transfer the image to Discovery scp fibonacci.tar netid@discovery: Build an Apptainer image from the Docker image ssh netid@discovery apptainer build fibonacci docker

Tools for Researchers

, data storage, Caligari Web and database servers Accounts for Researchers - For general research computing, data storage, and Discovery cluster accounts Software Resources - Applications in