WWW Expiring Accounts

You have been directed to this page for one of the following reasons:

  • Our records show that you have an account on the Dartmouth web servers but are no longer a current Dartmouth student, faculty or staff member.
    • Accounts on the Dartmouth web servers are reserved for current students, faculty and staff and your account is scheduled for deletion.
    • Please follow the directions below to let us know how to handle your data.
  • The web site that you have on www.dartmouth.edu is currently returning an error page ("Page Not Found", "Access Denied", etc.)
    • Because the current www.dartmouth.edu web servers are being retired, we will be expiring any accounts that are not correctly serving web pages. 
    • If you wish to have a web site hosted at Dartmouth, please see this article to learn about your options: Changes to Dartmouth Community Web Hosting
    • Otherwise, please follow the directions below.

Please select Request Service on this page to exercise one of the following options:

  • I do not want my data
    • Account will be deleted from the server
    • Site contents will be deleted
  • I want to keep my data
    • An archive of the site contents will be created
    • You will be notified when and where you can retrieve the archive
    • Account will be deleted from the server.
  • I believe this account should remain on Dartmouth’s servers
    • Please provide an explanation of why you believe this site should remain on Dartmouth’s servers. Possible reasons for this include but are not limited to:
      • You are still a current Dartmouth student, faculty or staff member
      • The site was created for a currently active organization
      • The site was created for an academic or administrative department
      • The site was created for a faculty member
      • Please include a contact at Dartmouth who will take ownership of this account.
    • If it is determined that this account will remain on Dartmouth’s servers, we will work with the contact that you provide to transfer ownership.
Request Service

Related Articles (1)

Dartmouth is moving community web sites to a new web hosting service.


Service ID: 41869
Tue 2/4/20 11:28 AM
Wed 10/14/20 10:00 AM