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Phishing Scam - 08.18.20 - IT Help Desk Update
Email security is primarily supported through the Microsoft Office 365 Email service.  All email is filtered and sanitized by this service before delivering to users and other services including O365 mailboxes, Gmail, and other forwarding services.  User experience and functionality may be slightly different depending on where your mailbox is maintained and this document is intended on providing a high-level overview only.
The departments of Information Security & Safety and Security, regularly receive reports of scams through Dartmouth systems such as email, phone, or messaging. It is important to make these offices aware of scams, so they can be investigated and that victims receive the best possible help. Dartmouth takes a great deal of precaution and measures to limit scams getting through to college systems, however some will always leak through. These offices are always here to assist you in navigating scams