Konica Minolta: checking Job history log for print, fax or scan error codes

Connect to a Konica Minolta web interface page to check job history for errors before contacting Help Desk.


  1. Open a browser, enter Konica Minolta MFD host name, e.g. host_name.dartmouth.edu.
  2. Unsecured website alerts and warnings pop-up will open, confirm security exception, acknowledge risks, click continue.
  3. Konica Minolta MFD public web interface opens.
  4. Click Job tab.
  5. Click Job History tab. Job History will show last 100 jobs, including Print, Fax TX, Scan TX jobs.
  6. Next to Communication Type/Line, select appropriate type, e.g. Fax TX.
  7. Jobs report opens in a chart window.
  8. Select job no. to open details window.
  9. Error code displays in bottom row.
  10. Quit browser tab.


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