Hardware Resources for Researchers


Researchers at Dartmouth have access to High Performance Computing (HPC) resources including the Discovery cluster and Linux computer servers with licensed mathematics and statistical applications, compliers, debuggers and scientific libraries. Research Computing provides data storage for researchers and Linux support for private research workstations.

  • High Performance Computing Resources
  • Data Storage - DartFS network-attached file storage system
  • Caligari Web and Database Server
  • Faculty Workstation Support
    • To facilitate faculty members' curricular and research work, Research Computing offers support in the administration and management of de-centralized UNIX workstations. This support includes consulting, training, and system administration. System administration assistance is provided on an on-call basis. If you are a faculty member and you have questions on any aspect of support for faculty workstations, please contact Research.Computing@dartmouth.edu.
  • Off-campus access
    • Off-campus access may also be achieved via VPN, or by logging in first to sshlogin.dartmouth.edu. This system is provided as an alternative to the VPN, and can only be used for SSH (secure command line access) to campus resources. Accounts on sshlogin are available to all members of the Dartmouth Community, plus sponsored accounts by arrangement, anc can be requested by emailing Research.Computing@dartmouth.edu.

Also see:

Consulting on hardware:

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Article ID: 64647
Tue 10/9/18 12:18 PM
Wed 3/8/23 4:14 PM