Check Email Address

Step by Step

To verify a Dartmouth email address, type the first few characters of the account's first and last names in the To, Cc or Bcc fields of an email message window then do one of the following actions:

  • In Outlook for Windows -- Press Ctrl-K (think "looKup"). If there is a unique match in your contacts or the global address book, the name will auto-complete, or you'll be given a list of possible matches or Click Check Names on the Message toolbar.
  • In Outlook for Macintosh -- Click Check Names on the Message Toolbar.
  • In Outlook for the Web (BWA) -- Click on the three dots (...) in the new message window and choose Check Names.


Article ID: 64498
Tue 10/9/18 12:13 PM
Thu 3/9/23 10:13 AM