OGA - Oracle Grants Accounting System


 OGA (Oracle Grants Accounting) is a financial accounting system specifically designed to address the unique reporting and management needs of sponsored projects. Typically, the only users are employees of the Office of Sponsored Projects. It is a system of record used to process grants transactions, maintain data, and conduct reporting, and is able to link grants to transactions for a given project year. Other systems on campus like eProcurement, the general ledger, HRMS, IRA, PA Smart Form, and SPUD can reference data created in OGA and/or feed transactions to OGA. However, OGA should not be confused with these other systems that display, receive, or feed OGA data.

  • To use OGA and related grants financial systems, you will need to have been granted access and attended training classes from the Office of Sponsored Projects and/or the Office of the Controller.
  • Access OGA via the web at https://oa.dartmouth.edu:8007/OA_HTML/AppsLogin. Enter your Dartmouth NetID and password to log in.
  • For problems accessing OGA, contact the IT Service Desk at 603-646-2999 or submit a request at our Services Portal
  • For assistance working with OGA, please contact Sponsored.Projects@dartmouth.edu.
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Article ID: 64386
Tue 10/9/18 12:09 PM
Mon 3/13/23 11:37 AM