Statuspage - How to Subscribe

Subscribe to Dartmouth Statuspage to stay up-to-date on unplanned incidents and scheduled maintenance .  Notifications are sent via email or SMS based on your subscription preference.

Step-By-Step Guide:

1. Visit the Dartmouth Statuspage and select "Subscribe To Updates".

2. A pop-up box appears with options for notification preferences.

  • Select the envelope icon for email or the telephone handset icon to receive SMS notifications.


Enter your information and select the Subscribe Via Email or Subscribe Via SMS button.


3. A new screen will appear indicating you have subscribed to notifications. On this screen you may select the Dartmouth services for which you want to subscribe, the default subscription setting is all services.

To unsubscribe from specific services:

  • Uncheck the box related to the service for which you do not want to receive a notification.
  • If you would like to only receive updates on a few services select None and select the components you would like to subscribe to.



Article ID: 147840
Thu 11/17/22 2:09 PM
Thu 2/9/23 9:10 AM

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