This is a list of some popular tools available for researchers. Some follow the Software-as-a-Service model, and can be used from most computers with a web browser, while some require installation on a machine. For a more comprehensive list, please visit Please contact us with questions at .
To use software on our high-performance computers (Andes, Polaris or Discovery), please visit and click "Request an account" to get started, and for instructions on signing in to the machines, see
Software-as-a-Service, Software on HPC systems, Software for Download and Install
Software as a Service (in-browser)
We have a variety of tools available online that follow the Software-as-a-Service model, and can be used from most computers with a web browser:
Software on High-Performance Computing machines (Andes, Polaris, Discovery)
Matlab Scientic Computing software
R Statistical Software, Graphics, Visualizations (Andes, Polaris and Discovery)
SAS Statistical Software
STATA Statistical Software (Andes and Discovery)
LaTex Scientific document publication and typsetting tool (Andes, Polaris and Discovery)
Software for Download and Install
Matlab is available for Macs, Windows PC's and Linux. It is also installed on our high-performance computers, Andes, Polaris and Discovery. For local installs, see
R is available for Macs, Windows and Linux. It is also installed on our high performance computers, Andes, Polaris and Discovery (Statistical Software, Graphics, Visualizations) For local installs, see and
SAS is available for Windows and Linux. It is also installed on our high performance computers, Andes, Polaris and Discovery (Statistical Software) For local installs see
STATA is available for Macs, Windows and Linux. It is also installed on Andes and Discovery (Statistical Software) For local installs see
LaTex is available for Macs, Windows and Linux. It is also installed on Andes, Polaris and Discovery (Scientific document publication and typsetting tool)
ArcGIS Desktop is available to download and install on PC's. (Geospatial analysis tools, Geographic Information System) For local installs, see
For questions, contact us by submitting a ticket or email or
More resources at Dartmouth College:
Click for Additional Remote and Online Resources at Dartmouth College Library
Link to Dartmouth College Teach Remote Site
Launching software from Andes, Polaris (Note: you'll need an account, see above, and an "ssh" terminal window such as Terminal, MobaXterm, or GitBash)
From your SSH terminal's $ prompt, first log in:
Enter your password:
Then load the software you'd like to use:
module load R
module load stata
SSH Terminal Window Clients
Gitbash MobaXterm
Launching software from Andes, Polaris (Note: you'll need an account, see above, and an "ssh" terminal window such as Terminal, MobaXterm, or GitBash, and XQuartz software for visual display) See for more details on running research software on our Linux HPC's.
From your SSH terminal's "$" prompt, first log in:
ssh -Y
Enter your password:
Then load the software you'd like to use (matlab, stata, R, etc) by typing the command below at the "$" prompt:
$ module load matlab
And then the software name to launch the interactive software in a new terminal X Window.
$ matlab
SSH Terminal and X Window Clients
Windows: Gitbash or MobaXterm
Mac: use built-in 'Terminal' Unix Shell with XQuartz for terminal window display
See also