Windows 10 for Students

Tags OS windows10

Dartmouth students can download a free copy of Windows 10 Education from OnTheHub. To access this, students must follow the link here:

This should pull up a website that looks like this:


The student will then select the button "Find Your School":

Once you click on the "Find Your School" button, you should be prompted to search for your school. Search "US", then "New Hampshire", then "Dartmouth".


There then becomes the option to "Log in to your Dartmouth College WebStore." Clicking on that link should bring you here:


Clicking on "Windows 10" should bring you here:


From here, click "Add to Cart"

You should get this pop-up:

Once added, click "Check Out." This should bring you to a confirmation page where you are required to sign for the product.


Once you've signed, you will be prompted to fill out your contact information:


Once you've entered this in, click the bottom button to proceed with the offer, and follow the prompts for the installation.







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Article ID: 97413
Wed 2/5/20 2:02 PM
Fri 2/3/23 1:59 PM