Can no longer print mail merge documents. When trying to print specific pages, it doesn't reach the printer.
This article applies to Microsoft Word in a Windows 10 environment.
The printer can no longer read what pages are set to print.
- Normally when you want to print only specific pages or range of pages in a Word document, you can simply specify to print the range by specifying the beginning page and end page using a - symbol.
- Example: If you want to print pages 3 through 10 you would select File > Print from the menu and type 3-10 in the Page Range box. However you may encounter problems attempting this with a mail merged document.
- When you create a mail merge, Microsoft Word places what is know as pages into sections. According to Microsoft Help, you can print a range of pages within sections by specifying the page numbers and section numbers.
- Example: if you want to print page 3 (in section 3) and page 4 (in section 4) you would select File > Print from the menu and type p3s3-p4s4 in the Page Range box. However, this won't work with a mail merge either.
- If both methods above won't print specific pages with a mail merge, then try this:
- Select File > Print from the menu
- In the Page Range box, enter the range of numbers by using only the section numbers.
- Example: s3-s10 (This should print pages 3 through 10)