To get started with Matlab, navigate your browser to and click the blue button labeled "Sign in to get started". Use your Dartmouth email address, which will then take you to the Dartmouth Single-Sign-On page (

Matlab Online Log in with a Dartmouth-associated Matlab account (see below) and log in to Matlab at at This is a lightweight version of Matlab that runs in modern browsers such as Google Chrome.
NEW! Dartmouth has licensed Matlab Academy, a series of self-paced online classes. The classes cover all aspects of Matlab.
You can access Matlab Academy at You will need to login to your Mathworks account to access the classes. If you don't already have one, you can create an account. Be sure to use your Dartmouth email address.
Matlab Desktop: Product Download, install and license
Download the software. To download, navigate to
- Run the installer, sign in with Mathworks account if asked, accept the license agreement, and follow the instructions on the screen through the steps:
- Basic Install: select license 903104 MATLAB (Individual) Enter users Mathworks account email address and specify the installation folder
Products, click "Select all" checkbox to UNselect all, then check MATLAB (note, installer is 3.8GB or greater as of version 2021A) and any required toolboxes. Caution: some toolboxes dramatically increase space needed (GB of space with some toolboxes)
- Click through by clicking “Next” and then “Begin Install”
On the Product Selection screen, install Matlab choose the software you need. Depending on the software selections, Matlab installation may require as much as 30 GB of space. If you are a student in a class using Matlab, you may get guidance on what toolboxes are necessary.
When the installation is completed, the Matlab software will be activated. You have a stand-alone license so that you can run Matlab without being connected to the internet. The license will expire each year on June 30th and you will need to reactivate it after Dartmouth renews its site license each June. Other license options include Student, Campus and Concurrent.
Toolboxes: Commonly used toolboxes include: Curve Fitting, Image Processing, Optimization, Parallel Computing, Statistics and Machine Learning. If you are in doubt about which toolboxes to install, you can install just Matlab and rerun the installer at a later time to install additional toolboxes.
Updating a license:
Open Matlab, and click the "Home" tab at the top of the application. On the "Home" tab, click the "Help" button with the question mark icon on it at the top right of the Matlab window. From the menu that drops down, go to Licensing->Update Current Licenses. You must be connected to the Internet in order to update the license.
When the Mathworks License Update window comes up, select the license that is listed. After selecting the license, click on the Update button and confirm that you want to update the license. You will see an Update Complete window and then click the Ok button.
If no license numbers are listed, see and for more information.
Alternative method, log in with your Dartmouth-associated Mathworks account and then navigate to Click the blue down arrow next to the license to download. From here, you can also view additional licenses and short-term trial software options.

Matlab Online - log in with a Dartmouth-associated Matlab account (see above) at and use Matlab in a browser at
Site-licensed Products:
Matlab Online -
Matlab Academy - self-paced online classes.
Additional Toolboxes:
Computer Vision System
Control Systems
Curve Fitting
Data Acquisition
Datafeed *
Deep Learning (Neural Network)
DSP system
Data Acquisition
Econometrics *
Financial *
Global Optimization
Image Processing
Instrument Control
Parallel Computing
Partial Differential Equations
RF Toolbox *
Signal Processing
SimEvents *
Simulink Control Design
Statistics and Machine Learning
Symbolic Math
System Identification *
Vehicle network *
Wavelet *