Airplane mode stuck on and the Airplane icon
is in the system tray. Or unable to enable airplane mode.
Windows 10 computer that can connect to wireless.
Airplane mode can be enabled/disabled accidentally. Or if you have a physical switch on your laptop this disables all other methods of enabling/disabling Airplane mode.
There are a few ways to enable and disable the Airplane mode on a Windows 10 computer.
1. System Tray icons
You can disable it by clicking on
in your system tray in the bottom right. Then click on airplane mode in the pop up.

2. System Settings
Open Windows settings. Select Network & Internet. Then select Airplane Mode from the categories on the left.
From here you can turn Airplane mode on or off. If you cannot make changes, please see #4

3. Hot Keys
Most Windows computers that come with wireless connectivity have the ability to disable wireless from a hot key.
Some models will be different but on most Dell Laptops you can press Fn(Function) + PrtScr(PrintScreen).
There will be a message pop up letting you know if it disabled or enabled Airplane mode

4. Physical Switch
Although it is more common on older laptops, you can sometimes find a physical switch to turn wireless on an off.
On Dell Laptops this can usually be found on the side of the laptop.
Note: If you use the switch then 1, 2, and 3 will be greyed out and unable to change.

Note: Each model laptop can have a different location of the switch.