My appointments on my Mobile Device are not syncing with my Outlook Calendar


My appointments on my Mobile Device are not syncing with my Outlook Calendar


iphone iOS


Adding an appointment to your Calendar on Mobile device and default calendar is not set to Work Calendar.  Appointment is saved to home or other personal calendar and therefore doesn't sync with Outlook as is not the Work calendar


On the iPhone

Go to Settings

Go to Calendar

Default Calendar should be work (Dartmouth) calendar. 

Calendar items automatically add to your default calendar, switching the default to your 'Work' or 'Dartmouth' calendar should resolve the issue.

Edit appointment, save to Work Calendar for any items that already on your personal calendar but should be on the Work calendar.




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Article ID: 71339
Fri 2/1/19 5:13 PM
Fri 3/17/23 8:28 AM