To add users to a SharePoint site:
- In your site, click the Settings menu (the gear icon).
- Click Site Permissions.
- Click Advanced Permissions Settings.
- Click the checkbox next to the SharePoint Group that you are adding the user to (i.e. Members, Owners, Visitors). Additional options are available in the ribbon.
- Click Grant Permissions.
- Enter the email address(es) for the users you wish to add. You may include a message that is sent to the user with information on the group, why they are being added, etc.
- Click Share.
You can also create a group of users with the same permissions.
- In Site Permissions> Advanced permissions settings window click the Create Group icon from the ribbon in the upper left corner.
- Type a name and description for the group.
- Note: Do not use special characters in the group name, i.e. \"'/{}:<>+=,;?*@
- Designate the group owner.
- Note: There can only be one group owner
- Determine group settings - who can view group membership, edit the membership of the group, etc.
- Choose the permission level the group should have.
- Full Control - full control.
- Design - can view, add, update, delete, approve, and customize.
- Edit - can add, edit and delete lists, can view, add, update, and delete list items and documents.
- Contribute - can view, add, update, and delete list items and document.
- Read - can view page and list items and download documents.
- Once you are finished, click Create to create the group.
Now that the group is created, you can add members to the group as follows:
- Click the arrow next to New and choose Add Users Add Users to this Group.
- Enter the email address of the people you wish to invite. You can also include a message with the invitation if you wish.
- Click Share.
To Delete Users or Groups from a SharePoint Online Site:
- In your site, click Site Contents.
- Click the Settings menu (the gear icon).
- Choose Site permissions.
- Click Advanced Permissions Settings.
- In your list of users and group, click the checkbox next to the group or user you wish to remove.
- Click the Remove User Permissions icon in the ribbon (upper left corner).
- The warning "You are about to remove all permissions for the following user or group xxx" will appear. If you do want to remove permissions, click OK. Otherwise click Cancel.
- The user or group will be removed from your permissions list.
From the ribbon, you also can check permission levels of individuals and groups, and edit user permissions.