Add or Remove Members to a SharePoint Site



To add users to a SharePoint site:

  1. In your site, click the Settings menu (the gear icon).
  2. Click Site Permissions.
  3. Click Advanced Permissions Settings.
  4. Click the checkbox next to the SharePoint Group that you are adding the user to (i.e. Members, Owners, Visitors). Additional options are available in the ribbon.
  5. Click Grant Permissions.
  6. Enter the email address(es) for the users you wish to add. You may include a message that is sent to the user with information on the group, why they are being added, etc.
  7. Click Share.

You can also create a group of users with the same permissions.

  1. In Site Permissions> Advanced permissions settings window click the Create Group icon from the ribbon in the upper left corner.
  2. Type a name and description for the group.
    • Note: Do not use special characters in the group name, i.e. \"'/{}:<>+=,;?*@
  3. Designate the group owner.
    • Note: There can only be one group owner
  4. Determine group settings - who can view group membership, edit the membership of the group, etc.
  5. Choose the permission level the group should have.
    • Full Control - full control.
    • Design - can view, add, update, delete, approve, and customize.
    • Edit - can add, edit and delete lists, can view, add, update, and delete list items and documents.
    • Contribute - can view, add, update, and delete list items and document.
    • Read - can view page and list items and download documents.
  6. Once you are finished, click Create to create the group.

Now that the group is created, you can add members to the group as follows:

  1. Click the arrow next to New and choose Add Users Add Users to this Group.
  2. Enter the email address of the people you wish to invite. You can also include a message with the invitation if you wish.
  3. Click Share.

To Delete Users or Groups from a SharePoint Online Site:

  1. In your site, click Site Contents.
  2. Click the Settings menu (the gear icon).
  3. Choose Site permissions.
  4. Click Advanced Permissions Settings.
  5. In your list of users and group, click the checkbox next to the group or user you wish to remove.
  6. Click the Remove User Permissions icon in the ribbon (upper left corner).
  7. The warning "You are about to remove all permissions for the following user or group xxx" will appear. If you do want to remove permissions, click OK. Otherwise click Cancel.
  8. The user or group will be removed from your permissions list.

From the ribbon, you also can check permission levels of individuals and groups, and edit user permissions.



Article ID: 67055
Fri 11/9/18 3:36 PM
Tue 7/16/24 11:49 AM