Dell Universal Dock UD22 - 2nd Monitor Not Working Through the Dock

Tags Dell-Dock

Here are the steps in resolving the issue with the 2nd monitor not working with the Dell Dock UD22

  1. Check and make sure the Dock is a Dell UD22.
  2. Run Dell Command updates first to ensure all drivers have been updated on the Windows Computer.
  3. Make sure your computer is connected to your dock.
  4. Download the 2 driver updates located HERE
  5. Run the 2 driver updates.  Reboot the computer if you still do not see the 2nd monitor come up. 

Troubleshooting if the 2 driver updates do not run properly.  Note, you should be able to see the progress of the updates being run.  If not;

  1. Ensure your computer is connected to your dock.
  2. Download the 2 driver updates located HERE
  3. Open the downloads folder in Windows and right click and extract to the local computer. Do each separately.
  4. Run the driver updates. Reboot the computer if you still do not see the 2nd monitor come up.


Article ID: 154927
Wed 10/11/23 4:02 PM
Wed 10/18/23 9:41 AM