Qualtrics - Legacy Single Response Report to be deprecated by February 18, 2023

Tags qualtrics

What is the change?

The legacy single response report is a URL that displays a report for a single survey response. It is formatted like below:


These URLs are no longer generated by any workflows in the Qualtrics platform. However, there might be users in our brand who manually created these URLs in email triggers or email tasks, by using piped text to add the responseId into the URL. After February 18, 2023, these URLs will no longer work, and will instead return an error.

What action do I need to take?

Any email task or email trigger where the user has manually created the legacy response report URL needs to be migrated to use the new single response report solution. There are 2 ways to switch to this new solution:

  1. Create an email task via Workflows and enable the “Include Response Report” option. This will automatically include a response report link in your email.
  2. Use an embedded data field in your email task to pipe in the new single response report URL. The format of the piped text is {srr://SingleResponseReportLink}.

This migration must be completed before February 18, 2023. Legacy single response URLs will no longer work after that date.

What if I have questions?

  1. If you have a question about how to start using the new single response report solution, please visit the Email Task support page.
  2. Find out how to get help with Qualtrics.


Article ID: 148349
Wed 12/21/22 9:06 AM
Wed 12/21/22 3:57 PM