Team Formation Tool: Instructions for Student Use

The Team Formation Tool assists instructors in the creation of strategic discussion and project groups using surveys. If your instructor is using this tool, you will be instructed to complete a survey. You can follow the steps below to do so!

Note: you should use Chrome or Firefox to complete and submit your survey. 
  • Open your course site in Canvas. 

  • Once you’re there, find and click on the Team Formation menu item. It should appear toward the bottom of the lefthand navigation bar, near Settings. 

  • You should see a live survey in the Surveys Due section.

  • Click the Take Survey button.

  • Respond to the questions.

  • Click Save when you are done.

  • If you need to edit your response:

    • Navigate to the main Team Formation page.

    • Scroll down to the Complete Surveys section.

    • Find the survey you need to edit responses for.

    • Click Edit Responses.

    • Make changes to your original responses as necessary.

    • When you are done editing, click Save to finish.

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Article ID: 128042
Mon 2/15/21 2:52 PM
Mon 2/15/21 2:53 PM

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