Zoom Cloud Recording Retention Period

Due to the unprecedented use of Zoom and exponential growth of cloud recording storage, Dartmouth will implement a 100-day retention period for Zoom Cloud recordings on April 14, 2021. Dartmouth’s long-term media storage platform is Panopto. To learn more about Panopto, please visit: Getting Started with Panopto.

Zoom-Panopto Integration and Migration Projects

On December 7, 2020, Dartmouth enabled an integration between Zoom Cloud and Panopto to automatically copy new Zoom recordings from Zoom Cloud to the meeting host's Panopto account.  Users are encouraged to take advantage of Dartmouth’s Zoom-Panopto integration to access Zoom recordings directly from their Panopto account rather than from Zoom Cloud.

Why 100 days?

Dartmouth's Zoom stakeholder group, which has membership from across the institution, reviewed options and determined that a 100-day retention period will afford faculty ample opportunity to access recordings in Zoom Cloud during the class term, while also affording students and staff ample opportunity to access their recordings in Zoom Cloud if the need arises. 

What does this mean for me?

All Zoom recordings older than 100 days will be moved to the meeting host's Zoom Trash.  Recordings will remain in Zoom Trash for 30 days.  Once the 30-day Trash countdown expires, the recordings will be permanently deleted from Zoom Cloud.

The retention period only applies to Zoom Cloud recordings hosted on dartmouth.zoom.us.  The retention period does not apply to Zoom recordings stored locally or in other storage solutions such as Panopto, Google Drive, or Dropbox.

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Article ID: 127123
Tue 2/2/21 7:17 PM
Tue 4/12/22 10:58 AM