Using OmniUpdate


Below are the answers to some frequently asked questions:

How do I create a new page or folder in OU?

We have created three page creation templates in OmniUpdate that we hope will help simplify the process for creating sections and pages on your website.

How do I update the section path (breadcrumb) at the top of my web page?

Once logged in to OU, navigate to the folder whose section path needs updating and edit the file, then publish the file.

Can I paste content in OU and retain the formatting?

No, you cannot. You can only paste in content as Plain Text and format it using the options available from the Format drop-down menu.

How do I delete text in OU?

Select the text you want deleted and click the Cut option from the Tool bar. If you receive an error message, use the shortcut keys on your keyboard (Command-X on the Mac, Control-X on Windows) to remove the text.

How do I create a mailto link in OU?

Within the editor, select the text for the link, click on the Insert/edit link option from the Tool bar, then enter mailto: and a full e-mail address in the Link URL field. For example,

I just published a page, but when I view it, the changes aren't appearing on the live web page. What am I doing wrong?

Refreshing the page or clearing the cache of the browser you are using usually fixes the problem.

When you surf the web, your browser often stores copies of pages you have visited in your “cache” (a temporary Internet folder), so when you revisit a page, it brings up the stored copy. This way, the browser doesn’t have to load the page each time you visit it, which takes longer than simply viewing a stored copy. Sometimes these cached pages can cause problems when you’re trying to view an updated page.

Clearing the cache is different for each browser. For instructions on clearing the cache for some of the most popular ones, see OmniUpdate's FAQ's & Troubleshooting web page.

Can I have access to delete files from my website?

We can give you a Level 8 account that will allow you to the Delete, Rename, Move, and Recycle web pages. Please be vigilant in your use of these functions, as all of these break links both internal and external to your website.

Also note that you now have access to the Recycle bin, meaning that instead of “deleting” pages, you can “recycle” them to the “Recycle” bin, where they can be restored at a later date, if necessary.

If you need to permanently delete the file, not just recycle it, you must recycle it first, then go into the Recycle bin, by clicking the restore button, and delete the page from there.

Please be aware that you cannot recycle files in the /docs/, /pdfs/, and /images/ folders; they can only be deleted.

How do I insert anchors in OU?

Please see OmniUpdate’s video tutorial on inserting anchor tags

I need to have a link added to the right-hand navigation of my website. Whom do I contact?

Please be sure all page(s) in the folder have been published before submitting your request to have the link added to the navigation.

To have a link added to your right-hand (or top-level) navigation, please send your request in the Services Portal, providing the following information:

  • The text for the entry
  • The URL of the web page it should link to

We will add the link for you. As a general policy, we do not grant access to a website’s navigation.

Can I give someone access to only one folder on our website?

Yes, you can. We can set up groups on the website, assign users to those groups, then assign a group to each folder.

We’ll need to know what OU account(s) should have access to what folder(s). Please send your request in the Services Portal.

I need to duplicate a web page in another location on our website. Is this possible?

Yes. Please submit a request in the Services Portal. We’ll duplicate the page for you.

We will need the complete URL of the web page you want duplicated and where on the website it needs to be duplicated.

How do I resize an image in OU?

Click the /images/ folder at the top level of the website, then switch to the “Production” server. Please note that to see the “Production” server tab, you must be viewing the website in full view.

To resize an image that has already been uploaded to OU, click on the image link. When the image window appears, resize and/or crop the image, then click the Upload As button. If you can overwrite files (Level 8 or above), click in the Overwrite box, then click OK. This will overwrite the file that already exists. If you can not overwrite files (Level 7 or below), you must upload the image with a different filename.

To upload a new image (again, in the /images/ folder at the top level of the website on the Production server), click on the Image/Upload link. A window will appear. Locate the image on your hard drive that you want to upload, select it, then click Open. The image window will appear. Crop and/or resize the image, then click the Upload As button. Make sure the image is named appropriately, then click OK.

I’m having problems uploading an image. What am I doing wrong?

Please note that all images must be uploaded to the /images/ folder at the top level of the website, on the “Production” server.

OU now insures that filenames conform to the established file naming convention. When creating pages/folders or uploading text and binary files through the OmniUpdate interface, make sure your files are named properly [lowercase characters, numerals, hyphens, and underscores only, followed by a dot (.), then the extension (.html, .pdf, etc.)]. For example, house.jpgnew-edition.htmlissue3.html; not Blue house.jpg, New Blue.htm, new document_forGreater understanding.doc.

If you attempt to use any other characters in the filename, you will not be allowed to create the page or upload image(s) or document(s).

You also will not be able to overwrite old file(s) that violate the file naming convention. You will have to upload new file(s) to insure the filenames conform to the new file naming convention. Then update all links to point to the new file(s).

Can I upload a .zip file to my website?

No, you cannot.

I need access to a checked out page. Can you help?

If a web page on your website is checked out by another user and you need access to that page, please ask them to check it back in or publish the page. To find out who has it checked out, hold your mouse pointer over the locked padlock; it will tell you what user has it checked out.

As a last resort, send submit a request in the Services Portal requesting that ITS staff check the page back in for you. This will lose any changes made to the page by the person to whom it is currently checked out.

I’d like to restrict access to some content on our website. Is this possible?

Yes it is. We can set this up for you.

We need the following information:

  • The name of the folder that needs to be protected.
  • Whether the folder is restricted to the Dartmouth community or to specific individuals within the Dartmouth community.
  • If restricted to specific individuals within the Dartmouth community, we need the e-mail address of the individuals in this format: WebauthAllowUser (one per line).

Please note that all information in that folder will be protected; you cannot protect just one page in a folder.

I’d like to create an RSS feed on our website. Whom do I contact?

Please submit a request in the Services Portal.. We’d be more than happy to set this up for you, and show you how to create the items for the feed.

How do I embed a YouTube video into my web page?

Navigate to the video on YouTube that you would like to embed directly into your page.  This may be a video that you uploaded to your own account, or a video owned by another user.  Embedding the video is the same process for either scenario.

  1. Click Share.
  2. Click Embed.
  3. Set a desired width for the video. We recommend not exceeding 500px, and the height will be automatically calculated for you.
  4. Copy the embed code.
  5. Return to OmniUpdate and select the HTML button from the editing toolbar on the page you would like to embed the video into.
  6. Find the location you would like to embed the video into and paste the code snippet from your clipboard.
  7. Click Update.

The video will now be represented in the editor by a yellow box in the location that you pasted the code, and be fully functional when the page is previewed in OU or Published to the Production server.


Example of embedded video

What is the difference between the Staging server and the Production server?

Within OU, there are two servers: the Staging Server and the Production Server.

  • The Staging server is used to store and serve web pages in the editing, workflow, and approval process before going live on the Production server.
  • The Production server is updated via the Staging server. Published pages are pushed to the Production server and become available on the web. The Production Server is also where all binary files (images, documents, pdfs) are directly uploaded.

Please note: When files are deleted on your website, they are deleted from both the Staging server and the Production server. They cannot be recovered.

I need a form added to one of our web pages. Whom do I contact?

Submit a request in the Services Portal. Someone from Web Publishing Services will get in touch with you to discuss the requirements of the form.

I'd like to monitor traffic on our website. Whom do I contact?

Submit a request in the Services Portal with the name of the website whose traffic you would like to monitor. Web Publishing Services will set up the Urchin profile for you and let you know when it’s ready.

How can I improve my website for the Google Site Search Engine?

We’ve provided some tips for improving your website and content for the Google Site Search (GSS) engine; see Optimizing Content on Your Website.

Please note that these tips align with common sense Best Practices for any website content development.


Article ID: 65428
Thu 10/18/18 8:45 AM
Thu 2/13/20 10:16 AM