Ways to locate a Person at Dartmouth

There are a few different ways in which you can find directory information about a faculty, staff or student:

  • Within Outlook (Blitz) if you use the global address list - available via the Address Book - you can find their name, telephone, email address, Hinman box, and department or class. Go to your address book and enter their first name in the Search field then press Enter.
  • The Dartmouth Name Directory (DND) can be used to locate students, faculty, and staff. Information including name, telephone, email address, Hinman box, and department or class is available to you at http://lookup.dartmouth.edu/.  
  • The Dartmouth Directory can be used to quickly locate contact information for current students, faculty, and staff. You may also search for Dartmouth departments and organizations. It is available at http://dartmouth.edu/directory.

The Dartmouth Alumni Directory can be used by alumni to locate alumni. Alumni have the option to opt-out of listings so if you are an alumnus and not able to find someone you’re looking for, then you can contact Alumni Records by email at alumni.records@dartmouth.edu or by phone at 603-646-2253.

Faculty, staff, and students who are looking for information about alumni can use the Name Lookup Tool to verify the spelling of the name and confirm affiliations of alumni (school and class year). The name lookup tool also lists alumni who are deceased. As with the Alumni Directory, alumni have the option to opt-out of listings so if you are not able to find someone in the lookup tool, then you should contact Alumni Records by email at alumni.records@dartmouth.edu or by phone at 603-646-2253.


Article ID: 64881
Tue 10/9/18 12:26 PM
Thu 3/16/23 5:44 PM