Access to Dartmouth Jewish Sound Archive (DJSA)

The Dartmouth Jewish Sound Archive (DJSA) is available online at

DJSA is publicly accessible. However, access to image and audio content is only accessible to Dartmouth users who have an active NetID or guests via a social media account. A Log In link is accessible in the upper right-hand corner of any page on the site. Dartmouth users should select Login with your Dartmouth NetID; Guests should select Login with Social Media.

If you are a Guest user, and this is the first time you have tried to log into the Dartmouth Jewish Sound Archive, log into your Facebook, Yahoo or Google account before clicking this link. You will then be prompted to enter your email address and the justification for why you are requesting access to the Archive. Within a few days, you will receive an email approving or denying your request for access. If approved, return to the website, login into your social media account, and clicking the link will then allow you access.

Inquiries about DJSA access or content can be made by sending email to



Article ID: 64391
Tue 10/9/18 12:09 PM
Mon 3/20/23 2:11 PM