Desktop Capture in the Classroom Overview


Learn about how to record your class using desktop capture software in this overview article.


What is Desktop Capture?

Desktop Capture is a software application installed on your laptop used to record a presentation or other content including your voice and image.

Once recorded, the video is transferred to an online repository called a content management system where you can edit, rename, and share it with students directly or through Canvas (Dartmouth’s learning management system).

What do I need to do before recording in the classroom?

Please Review the Getting Started with Panopto Article for more details

For additional resources, please visit the Panopto Section of the Dartmouth Services Portal
or visit Panopto's Knowledge Base or Video Tutorial Library

1. Download and Install Panopto

  1. Log into
  2. Click on Download Panopto in the top right corner
  3. Select the version for your computer
  4. Open the file once downloaded and follow the installation instructions

Additional Resources:

Install Panopto for Mac Instructions
Install Panopto for Windows Instructions


2. Familiarize Yourself with the Settings

  1. Open the application
  2. Log-in
  3. Start a new recording
  4. Set Title for the recording
  5. Choose a destination folder for the recording

Additional Resources:

Using Panopto For Mac
Using Panopto for Windows


3. Make a few test recordings

  1. Start a test recording and try out a presentation
  2. Stop the Recording and Upload it to Panopto
  3. Locate the video in Panopto and create a shared link

Additional Resources:

Panopto Video Library Tour
Using Panopto to Share Videos in Canvas


What do I need to do in the Classroom?

  1. Connect your laptop to the AV System
  2. Start a recording with your preferred settings
  3. Upload the file to Panopto once finished

Make your recording in the classroom a success:

  • Stand within 3-4' of the computer recording the class for your voice to be picked up
  • (In some locations) Select "Crestron" as your secondary display when plugged into the system
  • Pause the upload after finishing the recording to continue the upload from your home or office
  • Plug in your laptop into power to prevent the battery from depleting
  • Close all of your other applications that you're not using. Certain applications can take a significant portion of system resources just sitting idle.

How do I share my recordings once finished?

Choose if you want to share the video through your Panopto course folder or if you would like to create a shared link.

Sharing Videos in Canvas

One of the most exciting features of Panopto is its convenient Canvas integration. This makes it easy to share media with your students, embed content using the rich content editor (RCE), copy material from past course iterations, and conduct student assignments. More Information

Sharing Videos Overview

There are a number of other sharing options available through Panopto such as sharing a link or inviting individual students to view a video. Click on the link to view a brief overview from Panopto. Sharing Overview



Article ID: 138079
Fri 9/24/21 12:55 PM
Tue 5/31/22 3:32 PM

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