Banner: New part of term not available in course registration

If a Register Office from any school,  adds a new part of term to be used for course registration,  there must be a change to code to allow that new part of term to be available to students via self service/DartHub.   Also a view must be edited to allow the courses associated with the new part of term to be displayed to the user from course registration timetable. 

To add a new part of term to student course registration:

  1. In SVN get latest version of SVN/Banner/Ban_data_mgr/PLSQL/BAN_DATA_MGR.ZP_WEB_ADD_DROP.PKS
  2. SVN-lock the file​
  3. Edit that file and find the appropriate cursor that pulls that schools eligible part of terms.  In the spec file the name of the cursors per school are:
    UG: c_term_list
    TU: c_tu_term_list
    TH: c_th_term_list
    GR: c_gr_term_list
    (No Geisel - students do not user Banner Self Service for course registration)
  4. In the respective cursor find the line of code like this:   
    ​​​​​​.....and sfrrsts_ptrm_code in ('2','F','S','4', 'M') -- TU ptrm
  5. Add the new part of term code to that in statement like this (below example show adding a new TU part of term N)
    .....and sfrrsts_ptrm_code in ('2','F','S','4', 'M','N') -- TU ptrm
  6. Save the code
  7. Apply to a test system
  8. Get appropriate approvals
  9. Commit change and deploy to production

To add a new part of term's courses to the registration time table:

  1. In SVN get latest version of SVN/Banner/Stureccords/Views/STURECORDS.UG_REG_COURSE_CATALOG2.VEW
  2. SVN-lock the file​
  3. Edit that file and add the new part of term code to two code segments:
    -There is a case statement that translates the part of term code to a level code
      Add the new part of term code to that case statement and indicate the appropriate level code (see code example #1 below)
    - There is an in statement to which the new part of term code needs to be added (see code example #2 below)
  4. Save the code
  5. Apply to a test system
  6. Get appropriate approvals
  7. Commit change and deploy to production

Code Example #1 - Case Statement:
       CASE  ssbsect_ptrm_code
               WHEN 'U' THEN 'UG'
               WHEN 'G' THEN 'GR'
               WHEN 'E' THEN 'TH'
               WHEN 'P' THEN 'PE'
             --   WHEN '1' THEN 'TU'  ?? donot use system required
               WHEN '4' THEN 'TU'
               WHEN 'F' THEN 'TU'
               WHEN 'M' THEN 'TU'
               WHEN 'S' THEN 'TU' -- added tj
                WHEN '2' THEN 'TU' -- added tj
                WHEN 'N' THEN 'TU' -- added tj
               WHEN 'T' THEN 'EC'
               ELSE  'UN'
          END  level_code,

Code Example #2 - In clause
AND ssbsect_ptrm_code IN ('E', -- thayer full term
                                                  'G', -- a&s grad
                                                  'U', -- undergrad
                                                  'P' -- phys ed
                                                  -- '1' -- ?? donot use system required
                                                  ,'4' -- tu yr2 full term
                                                  ,'F' -- tu yr2 1st half
                                                  ,'M' -- tu ys 2 mini
                                                  , '2' -- ty yr1 full   added by tj
                                                  , 'S' -- tu yr2 2nd half  added by tj
                                                  , 'N' -- tu intensive added by tj
                                                  , 'T' -- tdi added by xx