People who are actively working to fulfill the academic mission of Dartmouth can have a Dartmouth account. Examples of these types of people are temporary agency employees not paid directly by the College, unpaid research associates, consultants, and faculty who hold positions at other institutions who are working in collaboration with a paid Dartmouth staff or faculty member. Friends and family members of Dartmouth employees and students are not eligible for sponsored accounts unless they are actively helping to pursue Dartmouth's academic mission themselves as noted above.
Senior officers of the College must approve the creation of these accounts to ensure the request is a legitimate one. A Dartmouth account controls access to many resources that are restricted to Dartmouth community members, ranging from research resources to networking resources. In addition, some systems are licensed based upon the total number of accounts Dartmouth has. Only those people who are actually engaged in Dartmouth work should be granted an account. People with a sponsored account have all the rights and privileges a regular employee or student has in terms of technology usage, purchasing items from The Computer Store, and acquiring computing support. However, there are some services and software that are not available to Sponsored accounts. If accounts are granted inappropriately, the services that should be provided to those pursuing the mission of Dartmouth could be delayed.
Complete the Request a New Account form found at https://services.dartmouth.edu/TDClient/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=30581. Sponsored account forms must be approved by an Authorized Officer for the sponsor's area. When you submit the new account form, the approver will receive an email requesting that they reply with an approval message. ITC will not be prompted to create the account until the approval email is received.
Resource Access and Limitations
Library Resources
A sponsored account provides online access to most library resources. Contact the library directly for more information.
Microsoft Office, Gsuite, Dropbox
A sponsored account may have a mailbox (web-browser accessible only, via bwa.dartmouth.edu) but does not get a full Microsoft Office License. Similarly, sponsored accounts do not typically receive Google Suite or Dropbox accounts.
VPN Access
A sponsored account may have privileges to VPN if requested.
A Sponsored account can be provided with access to Canvas.
Research Computing
A sponsored account can be provide with access to Research Computing infrastructure, such as to a research lab share. Access to the lab share must be submitted by a Dartmouth faculty member with authority over the lab share. Sponsored accounts for research purposes are typically created with a 90-day expiration. For more information, please see the article Sponsored Accounts for Dartmouth Research Related Systems.
Vox Daily
Sponsored accounts do not receive Vox Daily communications. This includes contract employees hired through agencies who are provisioned with sponsored accounts, rather than employee accounts.
Renew an expiring Account
Sponsored account holders, as well as approvers or other designees, will usually receive notice one month before the account expires. The approver or other designee should respond to the email notification they received. Alternatively, a request to renew the account can be submitted via the following article: Renew a sponsored, departmental, organizational or service account.
Sponsored Account for Continuation of College Work
A request for a sponsored account may also be submitted for someone who is or will separate from the College, but may need a continuation of the account in order to complete an ongoing project or research, or when actively doing work for the College for a limited time.