Dartmouth Guidelines for Responding to Doxxing

These guidelines contain potential actions targets of doxxing may take to navigate these complex and upsetting situations by leveraging law enforcement, public, and, to the extent possible, campus resources. 

What is Doxxing? 

Doxxing is the unauthorized and intentional disclosure of private, sensitive information about an individual or organization online or otherwise, such as home addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, or other personal records (e.g. social security, driver's license, bank and credit card numbers, etc.). This invasive act may be pursued with the aim to harass, threaten, or incite others to harass the person whose information has been exposed and may be prohibited by criminal and civil law, or institutional policy, particularly when the disclosed information is obtained illegally (i.e. via hacking or invasion of privacy). It can also escalate to threats of violence or criminal harassment.

What should I do if I learn I am being doxxed?

1. Document the doxxing incident as quickly and as best you can.

  • While an incident like this may be disturbing, it is extremely important to act quickly to collect and preserve information.
  • Take screenshots or screen recordings of the specific posts, comments, or profiles where the content was shared
  • Relevant information will include who was targeted, what information was exposed, and what was the objective.
  • Dartmouth has created a worksheet to follow to help you collect the information.

    Click for Reporting Worksheet

    It is very important to collect as much of the following information as possible. You may not have all of this information and it is not all required, however, these details will be helpful to the platforms and law enforcement as appropriate.   Have this worksheet available when reporting doxxing or reaching out to resources for support. 

    • Full name
    • Name of platform where doxxing occurred
    • Your user ID or profile name on platform
    • Details of the incident
      • Date and time
      • Description of what happened and context
    • Doxxer Information
      • Username or profile name of person who doxxed you
      • Any known contact information for the doxxer
    • Links and Evidence
      • URLs to the specific posts, comments or profiles where the doxxing content was shared
      • Screenshots or screen recordings that clearly show the doxxing content and interactions.
    • Steps taken
      • Have you tried to remove the content on your own?
      • Who else have you contacted?
        • If reporting to law enforcement, have you contacted the platform?
        • If reporting to the platform, have you reported the incident to law enforcement?
        • Have you contacted a lawyer, your institution’s law enforcement, a lawyer, etc?

    Police report

    The above information is needed for both a police report and reports to platforms. The platform may also ask to see a police report in your request.

    A copy of the police report or case number if you’ve reported the incident to law enforcement.

    Impact statement

    A brief statement summarizing how the doxxing has affected you personally or professionally, to demonstrate the urgency of the situation. Dartmouth has provided an example of how this text may appear.

    Impact Statement Template

    "I am writing to report a serious breach of my privacy where my personal information, including [list specific types of exposed information], has been maliciously disseminated. This unwarranted exposure has not only infringed on my right to privacy but also placed me at significant risk of harm, threatening both my personal safety and my professional reputation.

    [please include additional personally specific examples]

    The urgency of this situation cannot be overstated, as the potential for enduring psychological distress and material consequences is profound. Immediate intervention is necessary to mitigate these risks, and I implore you to act swiftly to remove the content and hold the responsible parties accountable."

    Provide specific examples of how the doxxing incident has affected you personally, including:
            Privacy Infringement: Explain how the exposure of personal information has infringed on your right to privacy and how it has affected your sense of security.

            Risk of Harm: Highlight the potential risks and threats that have arisen due to the doxxing incident, both to your personal safety and your professional reputation.

            Psychological Distress: Describe any psychological distress or emotional impact you have experienced as a result of the incident, including anxiety, fear, or sleep disturbances.

            Online Harassment: If applicable, provide examples of online harassment, including explicit or threatening messages, cyberbullying, or impersonation on social media.

            Physical Incidents: Mention any unauthorized physical access or incidents, such as trespassing, stalking, or the discovery of threatening notes.

            Academic Consequences: Explain how the incident has affected your academic pursuits, including missed classes, assignments, or extracurricular activities.

            Withdrawal from Activities: If you had to withdraw from certain activities or social engagements due to safety concerns, include this information.

    Example Complete Impact Statement

    "I am writing to report a serious breach of my privacy where my personal information, including my private messages, photos, and social media accounts, has been maliciously disseminated. This unwarranted exposure has not only infringed on my right to privacy but also placed me at significant risk of harm, threatening both my personal safety and my emotional well-being.

    The release of my private messages and photos has resulted in severe emotional distress. These personal conversations and images were meant to remain private, and their exposure without my consent has caused me immense anxiety and fear. I have received harassing messages and threats from unknown individuals who gained access to my personal information, causing significant psychological harm.

    Furthermore, this incident has had a profound impact on my academic life. The breach of my private information has disrupted my ability to focus on my studies. I constantly worry about the potential consequences of this breach, which has affected my concentration, sleep patterns, and overall mental well-being. As a student, maintaining academic performance is crucial, and this breach has made it incredibly challenging to meet my academic responsibilities.

    In addition to the emotional toll, this incident has had a detrimental effect on my social life and relationships. I worry that the breach will affect my reputation among my friends and peers, as well as my ability to trust others with my personal information. It has disrupted my sense of security and privacy, making me hesitant to use online platforms for personal communication.

    The urgency of this situation cannot be overstated, as the potential for enduring psychological distress and material consequences is profound. Immediate intervention is necessary to mitigate these risks, and I implore you to act swiftly to remove the exposed information and hold the responsible parties accountable."

2. Report the incident

  • In case of emergencies or immediate threats of physical or bodily harm, contact law enforcement for assistance without delay.
  • Following this, immediately report your concern to the Department of Safety and Security (DoSS) by calling 603-646-4000, in person at 5 Rope Ferry Road, 3rd Floor, or via the Report a Concern Form. DoSS can provide support and assistance and investigate the incident, including facilitating contact with law enforcement and coordinating with the Office of Community Standards & Accountability, or other administrative offices as applicable, to ascertain if there's been a potential breach of College policy by a member of the Dartmouth community.
  • Please include the information you have been able to collect from the reporting worksheet

​​​​​​3. Report the incident to the involved platforms, and request they remove the content.

  • For your reference, here are the instructions posted on the following frequently-used platforms:

    Click for Platform Specific Instructions





    X (formerly twitter)

    Bing (Microsoft) Search

    Google Search



    Web Hosting Services

    Harmful Domains

    Other Platforms

4. Other Actionable Steps to Take If You Have Been Doxxed

In addition to the steps above, you may need to consider taking other steps to protect yourself and mitigate the harm caused by the exposure of your personal information. The following suggested steps are provided with the understanding that the unique facts and circumstances of particular situations may require different or additional measures.

  • Protect Your Financial Accounts & Private Information - If your bank or credit card information was revealed, contact your financial institutions immediately to report the breach and take steps to increase security, such as changing passwords, credit freeze at the credit bureaus.
  • Review your privacy settings on your social networks - Choose what you share. Regularly review and adjust your privacy settings on social networks to align with your comfort level for public visibility and data sharing.
  • Protect other accounts - Review other data that may have been exposed like Cell phone and Utilities.
  • Account security - Change password for all of your accounts and setup two factor authentication. 
  • Secure and backup your device(s) 

5. Doxxing can be upsetting and stressful. Dartmouth offers numerous support resources, or you may choose to seek additional support services. (Other Resources)

For more help with this process 

We understand that this experience may be difficult. Please don’t hesitate to call Dartmouth ITC's Client Technology Consulting team at (603) 646-2999 | toll-free 1-855-764-2485 or email help@dartmouth.edu for help.

The information provided in these guidelines does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, the guidelines are provided for general informational purposes only. The guidelines contain links and references to third-party websites which are provided for the convenience of the reader and are not expressly endorsed by Dartmouth College.  

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Wed 11/8/23 12:14 PM
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