LastPass Password Reset and Information

This document will walk you through how to reset your LastPass Master Passwords and other passwords you have saved. For any questions please email to open a ticket.

This guide is in response to the Fall / Winter 2022 LastPass Breach. For additional information please visit LastPass' incident bulletin.

Changing Your Master Password

  1. Click on the LastPass extension in your browser and click “Security Dashboard”
    Image of LastPass Vault Options
  2. Next in the upper right-hand corner click on your email address and click on “Account Settings”

  3. Click “Change Master Password” Please remind your users not to use their Dartmouth Password. And to use a new and unique password.

  4. You will then be prompted with a screen to create a new master password. Once you click to confirm your user will get an email from LastPass confirming the change.

  5. Remember, you will be prompted to sign back into LastPass with your new Master Password and accept a new Duo push.

Changing Passwords In Your Vaults

  1. Open your Vault to view your passwords.

  2. This will bring you to the “All Items” Screen. Expand all your Vaults by clicking the arrow next to the vault name. For team Vaults please ensure the person's team leader/manager is consulted before changing those passwords. And/or have the user reach out to their team lead for those.
  3. For the majority of passwords, they can follow this process.

  4. In the above screenshot is an example of some of the passwords in my vault. You can click on each and click “Launch” This should direct that user to the associated URL. The user should then follow that website/provider's procedure for password resets.
  5. For example, let us update my Duo Admin Password.
  6. LastPass should see any password field as valid. If you click on the field it will generate a new password. Click the “fill” button for it to update the password in that box.

  7. Ensure the user clicks Add To LastPass when prompted once they update their password for each website/service. This will save the updated password in their vault.

Please repeat these steps for each website/service in your vault.